Bienvenido al mundo de 'Torrente' en pixel art, este juego es simplemente una demo para probar los gráficos pixel art y animaciones hechas por mi en Photoshop, además de incluir postprocesado de  Unity, está disponible para Android y Web, espero que os guste :)

'Flechas' o 'wasd' para moverte, saltar con 'Flecha arriba', disparar con 'Espacio'

Immerse yourself in the world of 'Torrente' in pixel art, this game is simply a demo to test the pixel art graphics and animations made by me in Photoshop, in addition to including Unity post-processing, it is available for Android and Web, I hope you like it :)

'Arrows' or 'wasd' to move, jump with 'Up arrow', shoot with 'Space'


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TorrenteAndroid.apk 36 MB


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Jump button doesnt work

Oooops sorry, I was confused when writing the controls, it only works with the up arrow, thankyou for playing anyway :)